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Someone once said -

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the people who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." Amen


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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Amazing Quilt Art in the Snow

This is amazing, this artist, Simon Beck spends days prodding around in the snow to perfect these quilt look designs. He did these in France. Each one is the size of 3 soccer fields! WOW!!! He does it continuously by touching it up daily as the weather takes its toll on the designs. He claims that it is the best form of exercise for him working sometimes 5-9 hours a day, since he has problems with his feet and can no longer ski. This man is definitely energetic. He uses math to get the effects and sometimes it is 3D....


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