About Me-----Treasures Again----My Store----Etsy----Patterns----Handmade Products

Someone once said -

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the people who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." Amen


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Sponsored Posts

Would You Like to have a 
Sponsor Post Here on PBDesigns?

It's easy to do.

Do you know what a "Sponsor Post" is?
"A "Sponsored Post" is promoted post, also known as a paid post
is a post to any community-driven [blog] notification-oriented website which is explicitly sponsored as an advertisement by a particular company or individual in order to draw a large amount of popularity through user promotion and moderation to the most active or most viewed page on the website."[from Wikipedia]
older lady secretary in chair at computer animation

A Sponsored Post on PBDesigns?

~ A Sponsored Post with PBDesigns is an article, illustrated with 1-3 relevant 
photos, approximately 500 words or less, provided by the sponsor, includes the 
sponsor's links to their website, [limited to no more than 2]
 and published on the blog page PBdesigns.

~ A "Sponsored Post" will be disclosed as such
by using the description "Sponsored Post" or other similar 
disclosure at the end of the article. 

~ ~ .A "Sponsored Post" will be offered to those businesses for a set amount
 who wish to submit an article that promotes and links to their service,
 product, or craft. [see below under costs for fees]
~ If however, you are a crafter or blogger or writer wishing to submit 
a "Guest Post," for which there is no charge
please read the Guest Post Page
Please note that in "Guest" posts, PBDesigns only permit links to 
the writer’s personal and non-commercial website or blog.

***All posts, whether "Sponsored or Guest" are under PBDesigns discretion 
and final approval. All articles need to be "family friendly" in text and photos.
136-Shopping Girl
What is the Benefit to the Sponsor?
1. For just one payment your sponsored article, with links, will stay on the blog for 6-12 [depending on which package you purchase, with renewal options] months attracting potential traffic to your site.                                                                                                                                                                          2. A "Sponsored Post" can offer more information concerning your service, product, or craft, than a link or banner can provide.                                                3. A "Sponsored Post" written as an article, even though declared as a "Sponsored Post," may offer more value and attract more interest to potential customers, than a typical advertisement would.
What type of sponsored articles are suitable                                                 for PBDesigns Blog?
In general sponsored articles accepted will fit the following criteria;
** Content should be unique, not published elsewhere, or 
republished in the future using the same text

** Content needs to be about your service, product, or craft
 without any political or religious orientation

** All types of crafts, products and services relating to the home, 
garden, health, hobbies, or decorating

** Personal in tone, and demonstrating knowledge of the 
topic being promoted 

** Should list the actual area or city located in
 or the direct website

** Can include a theme e.g. specialty products, hobby related, 
and must be family friendly,

** Lots of useful detail and information about the topic
 for general interest

** The article should be specifically about the client's services, 
products offered, or crafting ideas only

**  The article may incorporate a few lines at the end of the 
post introducing the sponsor’s name & contact info:
e.g. This sponsored post is from X company,
 the specializes in X products for X homes.
What photographs do You need to provide?
**  Each sponsored article should be spotlighted with 
photographs provided by the sponsor, 
normally 1 to 3 photos.

**  Photographs must be correctly licensed for this type of usage
 and not subject to copyright restrictions

**  Photographs taken by the writer especially for the article
or from the sponsor's website, with permission to use, are best, 
but be sure to include the links for the {source} for the all photos

**  If no photos are available, there may be 
available photos from online sharing sites such as Flickr,  
provided that they have been given a "Creative Commons" for 
republication licence. To find "creative commons" photos
 on Flickr, search the website for photos 
with a "Creative Commons Licence."

**  If no photos are available from any source,
 it is possible to purchase royalty free photos from 
websites such as istockphoto

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What happens once the sponsored                                      article has been submitted?
**  Once PBDesigns receives your article with the agreed partial payment
it will be prepared for publication, with headings, photo captions, 
title tags, links, keywords, etc, to maximize search engine traffic 
and the viewer's interest [under PBDesigns discretion]

** All sponsored articles will be published in the 
order received, unless there are special circumstances noted,
 with a maximum of one sponsored or guest article per week

**  When you make your initial inquiry, PBDesigns can relate to you 
your proposed publication date.

**  Once the article has been published, it will be promoted 
by Facebook as well as being available to my subscribers
 through my RSS feed for driving traffic in your direction.

When is payment submitted?

** All payments are discussed and agreed upon in detail with you 
at the begging of your order for the "Sponsored Post.". 

** Payment for 1/2 of the entire billing for your "Sponsored Post" 
will be invoiced at the beginning of your order and will be due 
immediately to PBDesigns through PayPal
[note that no work will commence without payment]

** Once your "Sponsored Post" has been published
 PBDesigns will e-mail you with your final invoice and the associated link 
requesting final payment via PayPal.
** If the final balance of the invoiced payment has not been received 
after 3 days of posting and receiving the email with the invoice, 
the "Sponsored Post" will be removed, and no refund 
will be issued for prior payments. The amount paid in the beginning
 of the order will be invoiced and will be considered payment 
for the work rendered for preparation and 
work on the articles listing. 

This comply's with the US Federal Trade Commission Endorsement Guidelines, and in the interests of my readers, this blog has a policy of disclosing any sponsorship received and to be transparent about any financial interest.
"Sponsored or Guest" posts are always declared as such within the 
article, normally at the end of the "Sponsored Post," for example;
"This sponsored post is from X company, providers of 
(some details about the company or service)"

How much do sponsored posts cost?
For any "Sponsored Post" the cost is $105 per article for 1 year of posting. After 1 year the post will be removed from PBDesigns blog unless the "Sponsored Post" has been renewed. [note payment must be received 
no later than 5 days after an invoice has been emailed for renewal]
 If the sponsor wishes to list it on the blog for 6 months the cost
is $75.00.  The cost to have PBDesigns write the article
 which would contain sponsored links is $170.
[PBDesigns has the right to refuse writing any article request]

email appears from computer screen animated gif

What to do next
To submit a sponsored post, please contact PBDesigns at;
In your email, please put "Sponsored Post" in the subject line
 and describe the type of article you wish to have posted along 
with the link to your website and email address. 
you PBDesigns will contact you to confirm the cost and content of the 
article and along with the approximate publication date.

Thank you for your interest in PBDesigns

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"Crafting and Reading and Shopping, Oh My!"

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