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Someone once said -

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the people who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." Amen


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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Flag Day & Crafting

Happy Flag Day All!!! 
Read about the flags origin....

Check out us.flag.org to find out some of the history of this touching day. And  be sure to watch tonight at 4pm PST, when all Americans are asked to pause to share a moment of nationwide patriotism. So be sure to a moment and honor our flag and all it stands for!!! God Bless America!!!

A few interesting links:

A little TRIVIA

June 14 is Flag Day and Family History Day
The act of snapping one's fingers has a name. It is called a "fillip."


I made this  post card for a swap friend for "at the beach" days....back in 2009 and had 
wrote a saying that I thought up about summer and the ocean... it's a soothing "quote" and appropriate for the summer months starting here in another week...

“It’s hard for one to put into words
why you might be hypnotized by the beach,
the sound of the waves,
and the laughter of children distant in the wind.
Everything about it is refreshing,
regenerating, and almost like therapy...
Beach Therapy”by PBD 6/2009

I really do love making these scrubbies....they are easy and fun to make and make wonderful little gifts...the napkin rings are too...in the little net bag is a flag pin made with pins... what a great "Flag Day" gift to a patriotic friend.

I made several of these and love them, it is a Musical Flag Hanger it is pretty simple I followed this pattern and had fun putting it all together, I changed the stars as I actually was at JoAnns and found little star beads and they worked out perfect!!! Something else I added to my patio...but mine has weathered so I started to make them again... :) I made several for friends and family...probably need to update theirs too???

I hope you have enjoyed my re-posts of my flag hanger. I made way "back in the day" that saying is so popular on the TV shows especially the cop shows, but I kinda like it. :)


  1. Hey, I've got my Red, White, and Blue oatmeal box windsock hanging up right NOW!!! Remember that?! (0; I do like your musical flag hanger though. I might have to try that one too sometime soon!... ((hugs)) and have a great weekend! ~tina

  2. Oh I sure do. :) I need to make another hanging musical flag too...especially with the 4th coming up. :)

    I couldn't get on my blog the last 2 days? Blogger said there was a problem, finally today they let me in.. sheesh....~~Debb


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"Crafting and Reading and Shopping, Oh My!"

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