We often wonder how is the Common Cold Spread? I always thought you had to be around an ill person. But, as you read further you will see it is not always the norm.. WASH your hands often and carry little hand disinfectants in your bags to use when you go shopping or anywhere else.
The common cold is spread in 2 ways; by direct contact with infected areas from a contaminated surface or by inhaling the airborne germs after someone sneezes or coughs. Person-to-person transmission often occurs when an someone who has a cold blows or touches their nose and then touches someone or something else. A healthy individual who then makes direct contact with these germs can become infected, often after their contaminated hands make contact with their own eyes or nose. A cold virus can live on objects such as pens, books, telephones, computer keyboards, and coffee cups for several hours and can thus be acquired from contact with these objects.
What are the symptoms and signs of the common cold in adults, children, and infants?
The symptoms of the common cold typically begin two to three days after acquiring the infection (incubation period). Symptoms and signs of the common cold vary depending on the virus responsible for the infection and may include the following
• nasal stuffiness or drainage, • sore or scratchy throat, • sneezing, • hoarseness,• cough, • watery eyes, • low-grade fever, • headache, • body aches, and •fatigue.
Does it have anything to do with exposure to cold weather?
Though the common cold usually occurs in the fall and winter months, the cold weather itself does not cause the common cold.
What is the difference between the common cold and influenza (the flu)?
Many people confuse the common cold with influenza (the
flu). Influenza is caused by the influenza virus, while the common cold generally is not.
Are antibiotics a suitable treatment for the common cold?
No. Antibiotics play no role in treating the common cold. Antibiotics are effective only against illnesses caused by bacteria, and colds are caused by viruses.
When should a physician or other health-care practitioner be consulted?
Generally, the common cold can be treated at home and managed with over-the-counter medications. However, if you develop more severe symptoms such as shaking chills, high fever (greater than 102 F), severe headache, neck stiffness,
abdominal pain, difficulty breathing,
chest pain,
confusion, or failure to improve after 10 days, you should consult your physician