I stole this from someone elses blog meme
I saw this on LaVerna's blog
and I thought it was cool so....
It’s only words.
1. Yourself: happy
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, significant other: silly
3. Your hair: blonde
4. Your mother: angel
5. Your father: gone
6. Your favorite item: yarn
7. Your dream last night: scared
8. Your favorite drink: tea
9. Your dream car: ferrari
10. The room you are in: office
11. Your ex:dead
12. Your fear: snakes
13. What you want to be in 10 years? younger
14. Who you hung out with last night? hubby
15. What you’re not? boring
16. Muffins: yummy
17. One of Your Wish List Items: yarn
18. Time: 6:55
19. The last thing you did: computer
20. What you are wearing: blue
21. Your favorite weather: spring
22. Your favorite book: whispers
23. The last thing you ate: apple
24. Your life: peaceful
25. Your mood:content
26. Your best friend: serious
27. What are you thinking about right now? swapping
28. Your car: cadi
29. What are you doing at the moment? typing
30. Your summer: love
31. Your relationship status: wonderful
32. What is on your TV? news
33. What is the weather like? damp
34. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
Consider yourself tagged!
SO copy and take it over to your blog NOW!
Hiking to Josef's Table
Are you ready to hike? Cap, hiking stick, backpack with water (and
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OK, let's par...
3 days ago
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