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Someone once said -

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the people who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." Amen


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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Vintage Thursday

These two cookbooks remind me of when I was first learning to cook. I would get out my new Betty Crochker cookbook and pick a new recipe from it to try. Sometimes they were even good. I learned how to measure, bake, fry, and roast....it was quite an accomplishment for a very young new wife. The cookbook is from the late 60s and the other my mom gave me it is one from 1958 that she had and I liked being able to cook for 2 ...I remember how my kitchen would have flour everywhere and how hard I tried to make everything from scratch. We didn't have any microwaves at that time. How did I ever survive... LOL I know that the cookbooks ar outdated and falling apart, but I can not part with them as they hold some fond memories for me and some silly ones too.....


  1. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Great treasures full of memories...how could you part with that :)

  2. I have a small cookbook collection; I enjoy trying new recipes only no one in my family really enjoys trying new things, they are mainly tried and true is best. LOL. I also have recipes that have been handed down from my Great Great Grandma and so on down to me. Those are very special to me.

  3. New, Good, and Easy! That would catch someone's eye!

  4. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Hi! It's me...mannequin from Fractured Toy. You're a Kooky winner! If you would be so kind as to confirm in an email, I'll get all your info and get your pens out :)

    Thanks for visiting me and congratulations!

    Ta Ta!


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"Crafting and Reading and Shopping, Oh My!"

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