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Someone once said -

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the people who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." Amen


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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

My Wonderful Christmas Gifts

Wow December 1 is here, the rush is on to get those gifts!!! But don't we already have everything we always wanted? I mean ...I do...let me count the gifts...   
  1. A loving family...I am blessed with 2 wonderful children that have grown up to be good and moral God loving adults, with 3 beautiful g-kids that I so adore and they are all near and good to me in so many ways along with the important ideals of support and love...I also have my sister and her family and my cousins in MO that always stay close and call and visit us often....

  1. So many wonderful memories of past holidays and everyday occurrances with all my family and some of the funniest moments that still make me laugh when I look back and ponder my past...
  2. I have more than one BFF and that is a blessing in itself, to know I have friends I can count on and turn to for a listening ear and just to have a cup of tea with!!
  3. A beautiful home, where my DH and I reside with warmth, good health, and love inside everyday of our lives
  4.  A very loving and supportive DH that lets me be me, even when I get cranky or "naggy" he is still there for me
  5. enough food and clothing to keep our tummys filled and warm...
  6. God looking over me and my family and friends...
  7. Lots of wonderful online friends that I so look forward to hearing from and reading their blogs These are some of the most wonderful gifts anyone could ask for and not only am I blessed to have them in my life, but I also am happy and look forward to tomorrow to gain more wonderful loving memories to add to my list!!!!
This is my Christmas gift list!!! 
What's your list of gifts to give thanks for????


  1. You have a lot of wonderful things to be thankful for - (you don't need any Christmas presents)! lol
    Seriously, I'm glad that you have all those wonderful things.


  2. Thank you...I just thought I would list a few... :) Debb


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"Crafting and Reading and Shopping, Oh My!"

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