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Someone once said -

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the people who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." Amen


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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday Putting up the Tree Day

Thanks giving is over and I hope everyone had a wonderful day. I sure did the kiddos where over, but I made the mistake of letting them play in my office and I am still trying to find some of my things... Kids....they love to get into things, and g-ma sure has a lot to get into!!!! lol...

I am trying to put up our tree but it is a 3 day job since I have so many decorations, and then the tree decded to not light up all over. :( Remember when all tree lights were on strings, now a days that is unheard of. Well it looks like we will have both this year since half of the lights do not want to work????
One thing that was so cute this year with my g-kis on Thanksgiving, back to my original talk on this post, I am skipping around here, was that my older -daughter made up these turkey placemats for everyone. She drew handprint turkeys on construction paper and then made a little joke on each one with the answer on the side. So everyone had to read theirs. As you can see my son is reading his...they were really cute jokes like..."why can't leopards hide?" because they are always spotted...lol....and "What kind of bottle cries?" a wine bottle...lol....they were cute and everyone enjoyed reading theirs aloud...hurray for Amanda... As you see she and the little one are funning with g-pa.... :) Family is where it is all at!!!!

I tried some new great recipes... one was Sweet potato bake and the other wa a broccoli bake and the other was a baked pumpkin!!! All 3 were winners...

I even made a pie pumpkin filled with dressing it was yummy!!!

adding a teapot to the table for when we have pie

getting the bird ready at 7:30am

into the oven

some of the spices I used on my turkey

cooking the broccoli for the new recipe it was really good made with italian cheese and bread crumb topping

made a new recipe with walnuts for my sweet potato bake

added a pretty napkinand turkey napkin ring

I set the table with turkey decor and candles

"A good memory is one that can remember
the day’s blessings and forget the day’s troubles."

"A happy person is not a person in a certain set
 of circumstances but rather a person with a
certain set of attitudes."  
 Hugh Downs


  1. I have to say it looked like a fun time putting up the tree and your dinner looked fabulous darling.


  2. Thank you much...it was fun and the dinner was "fantastico" hope yours was too!!! Debb


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"Crafting and Reading and Shopping, Oh My!"

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