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Someone once said -

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the people who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." Amen


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Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year All!!!
It's a wet rainy day here in So CA... but it is nice to have a whole day to be lazy and just hang out at the "puter" .. :) Ok so its 2011 and what are we all thinking about????? I have decided to not mak eany New Year's REsolutions that I know I will not keep, but instead make some new goals that I want to achieve sometime in 2011..................so here are a few of my goals:
  1. organize my upstairs crafting room, so maybe I can actually have a meeting up there and more room to move around. It is amazing how clutered it can get
  2. have some friends over for a crafting slumber party, make popcorn knit, crochet, tell stories and watch a good movie
  3. work on more WIP, put them in order and when I am done with one go onto the next that is in line to do, that way I won't be searching if I put them an order to do, finish at least one a month
  4. Read at least one new novel each month and conmdense my library
  5. take out my patterns for my magazines that I like and put them in my file cabinet so when I am looking to do something I can find it easier than searching through all the mbooks and magazines, for books I will make copies and then put the books away
  6. organize my buttons by color, size, and theme, so that I can find them when looking to add to one of my projects
  7. join TOPS, and get motivated and meet some new friends wanting to lose weight and eat healthier
  8. start WW and try to lose at least 20 lbs over the year [always got to have a weight loss, :)]
  9. try a new recipe monthly and then share it with friends and family
  10. make more gifts for family and friends using up my stash of supplies and yarn
  11. Walk at least 20 minutes a day 4-6 times a week
  12. join a dance lesson group to learn how to Tango and Waltz, I hav elaways wanted to do this and always procrastinate on joining
  13. sort through my closet and jewelry and rotate out and make room to add new designs
  14. take some of my older clothing items and crochet some trim on them to change their look
  15. learn to make knitting cables as I have always wnated to learn and never have made the plunge
  16. make more cards to send instead of buying them, start on Valentine cards, I love handmade cards they have so much personality and fun to make. :), add a recipe or pattern or poem or craft idea when sending along with a scratch off ticket for fun!
Impossible????  no, now remembering that is another thing....
 So I am going to print this out and hang it up on my refrigerator and craft peg board to remind me to it..... What's your goals for 2011???? Be sure to Link to me and leave a comment so I can hop over and read yours too.....let's see how many bloggers can join in....


  1. Oh my goodness I'm tired from just reading your list LOL Good luck

  2. Really great concepts of this blog.Thanks and Happy New Year also.

  3. lol...yeah I tend to tire myself too...but like to keep on top of it... Happy New Year to all...


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"Crafting and Reading and Shopping, Oh My!"

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