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Someone once said -

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the people who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." Amen


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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thoughts About the Future and What Will and Won't Be ????

I just read an email from a friend that talked about how things as we know would be changing in the near future. Things like actually reading a real book versus reading it on a "Kindle" because it is not only cheaper but you no longer have to go anywhere to buy a book you just download it and then there's no storage space problem???   
Then there is the "land" telephone.....most people are thinking of or already have done away with theirs as the cell phone is all one needs. If you still have a "land" phone it usually is because you just are used to having that number. But the costs are cheaper in the long run to have just a cell with it no long distance charge or cell to cell with the same company is free... plus those telephone bills are outrageous.

Then there is the TV...I hear that the prime TV programs are down to the lowest ratings ever because people are either watching "Netflex" or movies on cable PPV or VOD or they are playing video games...interesting...

Then there is the fact that the PO is going broke...think about it ???? Mail is low because of email and eletronic checking and people just would rather have instant contact rather than the "snail mail"...
And checks will be gone soon....the banks can no longer afford the proscessing of them and more and more people are paying on the Internet and the banks offer this service for FREE...

And newspapers are going away. The new generation has no need for the house to house service when they can use their IPhone or Blackberry to scan the news...I think it will be like the milkman...gone.....

We are becoming an eletronic age and with all this, I ask????? HOW CAN ONE LOSE WEIGHT???? I mena we don't have to leave our seats to any of this, just flick on the computer and click away....Don't believe me???? Think about it???? ........................

What are you doing right now?????? lol.....
got cha.....
That's ok.....we can always eat more chocolate sundaes...

I wonder when surfing the Internet will start costing us???? Think about it???? They have to make money somewhere.....scary huh?????


  1. I have read this before and I have to say I agree with a lot of them - they say the jobs of the futurefor our children haven't even been invented yet.

  2. Yeah me too.. that is probably true..I can only immagine what our GG-kids will be doing??


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