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Someone once said -

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the people who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." Amen


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Monday, July 30, 2007

My Fish

Ok here are my inside fish. I love these guys, but they are growing so large that I worry about the tank size??? These 2 are my Albino Oscars, or "ketchup" fish as my granddaughter likes to call them. I got them in 2000 when they were about 3"
long and they are now pushing about 10". They are top feeders so they get along with this black shark we got in 2001 that is not suppose to be compatible. However he is a bottom feeder and has grown from 4" to 14" !!! WOW!! Our 85 gal tank is getting smaller and the last fish, a plecostomous is my alge eater who is the funniest looking fish I have ever seen.
He is also getting really big!! Ok he's not this big, but he looks the same but maybe a bit smaller as he is about 10" long now. We had 2 Red Tailed Tin Foil Barbs that were the size of the Oscars but unfortunately we lost them in our move. The fish transporters said it happens a lot to scale fish with the added stress of moving fish. I may get another set, but with the size of my existing fish it is debatable??? Maybe I should check the Online Aquarist? The Oscars love to bite at the bag as I feed them and be a bit intimidating to anyone watching as they will jump right out of the water!! The shark likes to play with them and chases them around the tank causing them to hit the cover and actually splach water on the floor. They are a great stress releaiver and I just love fish! Now for our outside pond. We just signed up with Tray to build us a new Oasis in our yard! It will be 10' by 11" with a 4' waterfall and plants and lights and tons of rock. I cannot wait. We signed the contract this am and he will start August 26th. It will take approximately 3-4 days and when he is done it will become a paradise back there...DH will then add decking and paths and we are going to go plant shopping and add palms and other plants to turn the yarn tropical!! I cannot wait and will be posting progress photos as the work is done. So be sure to come back to take a peek!

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"Crafting and Reading and Shopping, Oh My!"

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