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Someone once said -

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the people who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." Amen


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Friday, May 20, 2011

Red Hats and Flip Flops

My very good friend Pat who is the Queen of the "Twilite Gals" and my Red Hat's group "Social Butterflies" had a "Meet & Greet" Thursday afternoon. What fun ti was to meet all her gals and she planned a lovely lumnchoen with games and good cheer. The first thing we did was talk to the person to our left and find out about them. We were instruted to sit next to someone we didn't know so we would get to know the other group. Then we went around the room and described that person to everyone. The two "Qeens" and "Vice Queens" sat at the head of the two tables, and I was fortunate to win a prize. Pat is an avid crocheter and made the cutest toilet paper roll covers, but I am going to use mine to cover a candle when not in use. I picked out the cow... :)

The Queens and Vice Queens

I am introducing my Vice Queen to the group my friend Pam

These are handmade flower pens for all the gals
this is the cow I won
at home hanging on my rocking chair

All of the prizes....


These Flip Flops are so cute and Easy Made with Balloons!!

This is a cute way to spruce up a boring pair of flip-flops. This is an easy summer craft to make flip flops that pop! These flip flops can also be made at slumber parties, luau, beach themed birthday parties or anytime you'd like a cheap easy craft to keep kids entertained. These would make awesome party favors.

Flip flops ~ Dollar Tree
Water Balloons (about 200 per pair)
(It does take about 1 hr to complete so not good to make with the wee little ones)
How To:
Double tie knots onto sandal. If you are doing a pattern it would be best to start at the sides of the flip flop and work your way to the toe. Keep tying balloons on the flip- flop until you achieve the effect you want.


  1. I used to be in a group, but it didn't stay together - looks like fun!

  2. ahhh that is too bad, it is fun to meet up and chat...it was a lot of fun...


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"Crafting and Reading and Shopping, Oh My!"

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