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Someone once said -

"There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the people who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living." Amen


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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life

Okay, somewhere amidst these huge "yarn balls" area a map of my ordinary life. And here's the meme that I saw on Beth's blog that came from Bella Dia! I noticed that Beth saw it on Autumn's blog and Michelle's blog too, I will be checking out their "life encyclopedia" along with Beths!
I really enjoy learning about others and their lifestyles and what they do. I thought if I enjoy it then maybe others would like to learn about me too!
Now.. I am going on vacation the 9th through the 18th so I will stop then and then come back and start again. Starting today, August 5th, I'm going to make a post each day of the month beginning with "A is for..." and on the 26th day, "Z is for..." My posts will be different random topics that somehow relate to my life and at the end I should have something similar to Amy Rosenthal's Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life.
If you go to the link for Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life you'll see some examples from the book and it will probably make more sense than me trying to reexplain what Bella Dia said on her blog. So please join me along with the others and chat about the posts and ;eave your comments! Be sure to post to Bella first and let her know if your going to join in.

"A is for Aquascape"

About our yard:
My DH and I just signed on the dotted line last week with Tray to put in an "Urban Oasis" pond in our yard and change the whole "Atmosphere" of the yard into a total "Aquascape" scene. There will be a pond made with lots and lots of plants, rocks, and Koi fish that will be totally sustained by itself with its own ecosystem of life. DH will then extend our patio to include a slated cover, a decking area with a "Hawaiian" style roof, thatched, and many tall Queen palm trees and other tropical plants like blood leaf and other tropical wonders. We will add a walkway with an area to extend over the pond for feeding the fish and another part for just a bench area so we can sit and enjoy.
The idea is to make it a tropical paradise and then continue the yard are with sod and more distictive plants under the Brazilian tree in the corner where my swing is hung.
Listening to the water falls and watching the fish and hearing the breeze blow through the palms will make the perfect area for me to not only crochet my heart away, but also to write my pen pal friends. I do so love the sound of water running and have always lived near the water my whole life. Even though we are only 1 mile from the beach I think that this area in our yard will add a special place for me to relax. Since working part-time I have so much enjoyed pursuing my hobbies and having friends and family over, and I think redoing our yard will be a great conversational place for all our visitors.

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"Crafting and Reading and Shopping, Oh My!"

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